constitution, government , Human rights, & legality, lies

“I Might Have Some Sensitive Files”

The government says Matt DeHart is an online child predator. He says that’s a ruse created because he discovered shocking CIA secrets and claims he was tortured by federal agents. The only thing that’s clear is that he’s in deep trouble.

On the evening of April 3, 2013, a battered blue pickup truck slowly crossed a bridge from International Falls, Minnesota, to the border station at Fort Frances, Ontario. The family inside — a clean-cut middle-aged couple and their dark-haired 28-year-old son looked like any other vacationers heading north. The father handed over their IDs to the border guards. “We need the protection of the Canadian government under the U.N. convention against torture,” he said. “Because our son was tortured by the FBI.”

It sounded like something out of a Soviet-era spy thriller. Yet the family making the request couldn’t have been more all-American. Paul DeHart, a church pastor, was a retired Air Force intelligence analyst whose work was overseen by the National Security Agency. His wife, Leann, was a former Army voice interceptor. Paul explained that Matthew, their only child, had followed in their footsteps, poring over spy data gathered by drones in the Middle East for the Indiana Air National Guard. They had just driven through the night from their home in Indiana, Paul said, because they were fleeing the country they had once pledged to serve………

“I Might Have Some Sensitive Files”

Falsification Revealed: Zbigniew Brzezinski Lied to US Senate About Crimea

American political analyst Eric Zuesse exposed that Zbigniew Brzezinski, the former US National Security Advisor, used false pretexts to convince US policy-makers to increase NATO military presence on Russia’s borders.

Ekaterina Blinova — Zbigniew Brzezinski, the former National Security Advisor, urged US policy-makers to bolster NATO military presence in the Baltic states and provide military aid to Ukraine, by falsifying facts and history, an American political analyst said.At a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on threats to US national security, former National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski repeatedly claimed that Russia “seized” Crimea and could soon attack the Baltic states, urging American policy-makers to increase NATO military presence in Latvia and Estonia.

Not a Single Police Officer Has Ever Been Killed by So-Called ‘Cop Killer’ AR-15 Bullets


The White House is trying to get 5.56 “armor piercing” rounds classified as “cop killer” bullets. But there’s only one problem: no cop has ever been killed by the “green-tipped” AR-15 ammunition.

Still, the President claims that banning the ammunition is just a “common sense” way to protect police officers. Speaking on his behalf, White House spokesman Josh Earnest said that the 5.56/.223-caliber M855 ball ammunition must be banned because it can shoot through bullet proof vests. While that is true, so can just about any rifle hunting round. Are they next?

The core of the White House’s argument is that there are some AR-15 style pistols which they claim are “easily concealable weapons.”

They are not….

Not a Single Police Officer Has Ever Been Killed by So-Called ‘Cop Killer’ AR-15 Bullets