Tag Archives: fighter

Remembering Rachel Corrie

“My Name is Rachel Corrie” is based on the writings and journals of Rachel Corrie, the 23-year-old Evergreen State College student, who traveled to the Gaza Strip in 2003 and was run over and killed by a USA MADE Caterpillar D9R armored bulldozer which was operated by Israeli Forces, on March 16th, which was just a few days before President Bush began the bombing of Baghdad.

Ariel Sharon, the Israeli prime minister at the time of Corrie’s death, promised a “thorough, credible and transparent investigation” would be conducted.

An internal military inquiry cleared the two soldiers operating the bulldozer was even criticized by US officials.

Human Rights Watch noted it “fell far short of the transparency, impartiality and thoroughness required by international law”…..


Rachel Corri will Not be Forgotten. The world will one day know her Name.

Don’t Forget this was an American Made Bulldozer, Sickening.

A Hero, A Daughter, A Fighter for the Cause, Rachel Corrie.

Tell at least one person about her this week.

I Dare You!
