Tag Archives: puerto rican

Puerto Rico, with at least $70 billion in debt, confronts a rising economic misery

Miguel Rodriguez, 50, who was working on his résumé at a government employment office in San Juan, said he has been out of work for four years, making it difficult to support himself or pay child support. He noted that his plight is not unusual. “Here, it is very hard to find a job,” he said.

As work has disappeared, more Puerto Ricans have relied on the government to survive: About a third of the commonwealth’s population relies on food stamps, and residents of the island are twice as likely as those on the mainland to receive Social Security disability benefits, according to researchers.

All of those problems were compounded by a housing bust that took down three of the island’s banks, while leaving many Puerto Ricans as deeply in debt as their government. Now pawnshops and title loan operations, which give loans to people who put up their car titles as collateral, are a growing presence on the island.

Puerto Rico, with at least $70 billion in debt, confronts a rising economic misery

As the United States “Nation Builds” across the ocean, they are yet incapable of rescuing their own people, & Yes Puerto Rican’s are born American citizens.


Judge discards video evidence of Philadelphia cop sucker punching Puerto Rican woman

ex-cop Josey, but Still SCUM BAG

A Philadelphia judge ruled Tuesday that a police officer who was caught on camera last September sucker punching a woman in the face is not guilty of assault.

Video evidence of former police officer Jonathan Josey punching victim Aida Guzman was not considered during the trial, as Municipal Judge Patrick Dugan said he was not considering it a full or accurate portrait of the situation.

“This is not a social-media contest; this is not a trial by video,” he said in the courtroom, according to The Philadelphia Daily News. “This was a violent, fast-paced, real-life situation.”…..



If the Police can get away with crimes, then their just Government Thugs, nothing more. A Man hitting a Women, how much lower can one go?
