Tag Archives: fish

Music: Russian Band – Fish of My Dreams

Excellent Russian Band LENINGRAD!

Ленинград — Рыба / Leningrad — Fish

Excellent Russian Band LENINGRAD! A song about the Women, I mean the “Fish” of his dreams.  🙂

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Amazing BarrelEye Fish With Transparent Head Filmed

For the first time, a large Pacific barreleye fish – complete with transparent head – has been caught on film by scientists using remotely operated vehicles at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute. The deep-sea fish’s tubular eyes pivot under a clear dome.

Amazing Deep Water Fish.


Has Shark Fin Consumption Peaked at 100 Million Dead Sharks Per Year?

While a new study warns that up to 100M sharks are killed annually, there are signs out of China that demand for shark fin may be on the decline.

A study published last week in the journal Marine Policy estimated shark deaths at 100 million in 2000 and 97 million in 2010, suggesting a slight drop in shark killing. Meanwhile reports out of China in recent months suggest an accelerating decline in shark fin consumption. China is the top market for shark fin, which is consumed as a status symbol, typically at wedding ceremonies and business dinners.

Figures released by Chinese officials late last year showed that shark fin imports fell from 10,292 metric tons in 2011 to 3,087 through the fist 11 months of 2012. Meanwhile, last summer the Chinese government announced it will stop serving shark fin at state dinners, an important symbolic move. The Chinese media has also recently grappled with the issue, noting that shark fins are loaded with mercury and have no nutritional value.

“Wine is replacing shark fin. It conveys status as well or better than shark fin,” Peter Knights, the head of WildAid, which has lead a campaign against shark fin soup, told mongabay.com. “Things are really coming to a head now and it is becoming more mainstream to address the demand side of the wildlife trade. The shark campaign is working, but whether we can apply it to rhinos and elephants is the next challenge.”….


Can you Believe that Human Beings Kill Millions of the same Animal every year? We are not talking about shrimps here.


Internet of food: Arduino-based, urban Aquaponics in Oakland

Aquaponics, Backyard Farming of the Future

The land in West Oakland where Eric Maundu is trying to farm is covered with freeways, roads, light rail and parking lots so there’s not much arable land and the soil is contaminated. So Maundu doesn’t use soil. Instead he’s growing plants using fish and circulating water.
It’s called aquaponics- a gardening system that combines hydroponics (water-based planting) and aquaculture (fish farming). It’s been hailed as the future of farming: it uses less water (up to 90% less than traditional gardening), doesn’t attract soil-based bugs and produces two types of produce (both plants and fish).
Aquaponics has become popular in recent years among urban gardeners and DIY tinkerers, but Maundu- who is trained in industrial robotics- has taken the agricultural craft one step further and made his gardens smart. Using sensors (to detect water level, pH and temperature), microprocessors (mostly the open-source Arduino microcontroller), relay cards, clouds and social media networks (Twitter and Facebook), Maundu has programmed his gardens to tweet when there’s a problem (e.g. not enough water) or when there’s news (e.g. an over-abundance of food to share).
Maundu himself ran from agriculture in his native Kenya- where he saw it as a struggle for land, water and resources. This changed when he realized he could farm without soil and with little water via aquaponics and that he could apply his robotics background to farming. Today he runs Kijani Grows (“Kijani” is Swahili for green), a small startup that designs and sells custom aquaponics systems for growing food and attempts to explore new frontiers of computer-controlled gardening. Maundu believes that by putting gardens online, especially in places like West Oakland (where his solar-powered gardens are totally off the grid), it’s the only way to make sure that farming remains viable to the next generation of urban youth.

Aquaponics = Freedom. It is the ultimate DIY


Hacktivist faces 100 years, You are what you eat, Surveillance: Modern internment

Breaking The Set w/ Abby Martin

On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin talks to Jaydee Hanson, Policy Analyst for the Center for Food Safety, about horsemeat in the UK, and what this says about the potential for food fraud in the US. Abby then talks to Christian Stork of WhoWhatWhy.org about the case of online activist Barrett Brown and the US government’s fixation on preemptive prosecution of anyone exposing government wrongdoing. BTS wraps up the show with a look the 71st anniversary of the internment of Japanese people in the US following the attack on Pearl Harbor, and how the growing surveillance state is the modern day internment camp.


So if your food ingredients says “Cellulose” Its wood chips Buddy :/
